Heading blocks are intended to build big bold attention areas. You can catch attention with these or just say a one liner.
- bg_color: set the background color of the section.
- bg_image: set the background image of the section.
- text_align: set the text alignment within the section.
- text_color: set the text color within the section.
- text_size: set the text size within the section.
- font_weight: set the text font weight within the section. (values: 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 900)
We design brand and product experiences for the connected world.
[row] [heading_block bg_color="#00a9c5" text_color="#fff" text_size="4.5em"]We design brand and product experiences for the connected world.[/heading_block] [/row]
We help innovate, develop, and pioneer.
[heading_block bg_color="#ef4135" text_color="#fff" text_size="5.5em" font_weight="700"]We help innovate, develop, and pioneer.[/heading_block]
[heading_block bg_color="#1c1c1e" text_color="#fff" text_size="14.5em" font_weight="900"]Big.[/heading_block]